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The more disciplined we become, the easier life gets. This is an intrinsic psychology, subdued and dormant at times in the heart of any guardian /parent. To execute this idea of discipline and to imbibe the same, certain steps are needed by professionals everywhere. There is literally nothing in this universe, NOTHING, that does not follow a fixed pattern or set of rules, or, discipline.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. In school education, discipline is a set of rules & regulations that remind us of the proper code of behavior. Discipline is self-improvement practice. It is what helps us all to achieve our goals in life.

Using an analogy to explain this, we can say that a school is like a canal that a farmer builds for irrigating his fields. There is a purpose behind building a canal. The purpose is to guide/redirect the water to those areas that are far from the water source. Its purpose is to connect two water sources and provide nourishment to villages so that crops can grow. Likewise, there is a purpose of building a school. Its purpose is to guide/redirect the students in school life to the right direction so that they grow up to become socially, scientifically and morally educated. This is where discipline comes into the picture.

The nature of water is to flow where gravity takes it. If there is no canal to give it a fixed path, it will disperse everywhere. It becomes useless for the farmer because his fields are still dry. In the same way, a student’s mind is playful by nature; it will go in every direction unless the student is given a fixed path (discipline) to follow. It is therefore, the duty and responsibility of the teacher to direct this wanton mind to be a genius.

At St Mary’s English School, we are constantly in touch with these tender hearts and striving our best to build the canals as has been already analogized. We are getting expected results, in the fields of academics and co-curricular activities. Our students are shining in academics, with brilliant results in ICSE and ISC (all streams), and are one of the best performers in karate, yoga, debate competitions, writing skill competitions, march past etc.

But, we strongly believe that the sky is not the limit; the stars are already there, so we have to cross the stars and find a new universe for us.

St. Mary's English School,NH-34,Aishtala,Ranaghat,Dist-Nadia,W.B. 741201,Mobile.No- 8145001177/8145001188,Email-