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Libraries are a necessity for all people who boast of some culture. It is impossible for anyone to purchase all the books that are published. In a library we can select the subject in which we are interested. A good library also purchases books selected or recommended by the readers. Hence membership of a library gives one the opportunity of becoming familiar with a large number and variety of books.

An extremely well stocked library is an asset of any educational institution that boasts of its progress and is interested in leaving behind its footprints on the sands of time. Its value can never be measured by any ordinary accounts or arithmetic; its intrinsic and extrinsic values can only be judged by its performance and its impact on the society far and near to it.

The library of St Mary’s English School, though privately owned, is an unbiased cove of books to be fondled most lovingly by any student or teacher in their journey towards vast and perfect learning.

In the process of spreading good knowledge and education, the library of St Mary’s English School is dedicated towards the service of the students as a part of their holistic development. An extremely peaceful and serene environment is conducive to the growth of love of education among the St Marians. It plays a great role in the life of all students of this school. Here, students can find books on various subjects such as history, geography, environment, political science, literature, etc. It undoubtedly exhibits positive impact on the academic achievement of the students. We constantly endeavor to update and upgrade it regularly.

We have almost 20,000 books in the library now. They include study books and classics; and in the process of up gradation, new authors have also been added. The new thoughts and ideas- we are sure- would affect the young minds. They can relate, narrate, discuss and act on the basis of those ideas.

We believe in the positive impact of dynamic, inclusive library services and environments — physical and virtual — that are aligned with the school’s vision and learning goals. Success is measured by time, and we are determined to leave our best impression there.
St. Mary's English School,NH-34,Aishtala,Ranaghat,Dist-Nadia,W.B. 741201,Mobile.No- 8145001177/8145001188,Email-